Poetry starts as an idea or phrase which expands into a message to be brought through from somewhere. Where it comes from is a more magical place than here, or maybe it offers a more magical perception of here. It comes by virtue of intellect, wonder, and the Spirit of Contemplation. -Kelly Voelker kellywriteaway@gmail.com
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Two Little Green Birds
A new cycle came
To melt and to mend
Patient and tame
An innocence squeaked
From tiny throats
From tiny beaks
A delicate message
From a source has split
Formed into two birds
In my garden lit
A gentle new cycle
Has come home to roost
I didn't quite realize
I must have needed a boost.
-Kelly Voelker
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Peace of Mind
I have a quiet mind
A comfort porch
In sunset's shine
I have a quiet man
A patient place
To return to and
A quiet heart
A neutral will
Allowing all to stay and stand
A peaceful way
Tall trees and shade
Gentle breeze after lulls displayed
-Kelly Voelker
Saturday, August 20, 2016
The delicate way of birds
Contrasting to survival's way
So brutish and absurd
Following the patterns
Of trees and leaves and flowers
Thinking like a river
Contemplating things for hours
Feeling textures distant
Seeing taste and sound
Noticing the difference
Between hunting and the hound
-Kelly Voelker
brutish - coarse, cruel, stupid
wonder - a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable
The Flowering of the Mind
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Fire and flood
Testing the framework
Testing my blood
The code is of virtue
I have a strong hold
On what it must feel like
To be valiant and bold
I no longer doubt
What I am made of
I feel the perfection
Of darkness made old
The newest obsession
Is of goodness and deed
Born of complexity
Ego and greed
No one can know virtue
Until one has bloomed
From dirt and adversity
To wholeness now plumed
The newness of virtue
The foundation of strength
The confidence of wisdom
Earned and not faked.
-Kelly Voelker
What has me Agitated
Isn't what it seems or kind
What has me agitated
Isn't senseless, mean or blind
On the innermost and unused
Reaches of my soul
A sensitive, protective mind
Wants so to control
Who and what are near me
Who and what will pass
Foreseeing opposition
Alerting senses last
What it sees is eminent
Near and is the prize
For a long term process
A cycle's end in time
Can I ride the ending
Before it's even written
Expecting certain changes
Expecting to be bitten
As I take the reward
For lasting through these tests
Will the rules return to
The patterns I know best?
-Kelly Voelker
agitated - feeling or appearing troubled or nervous
eminent - used to emphasize the presence of a positive quality
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Decisive and Clear
When gifted with sight
Past all the chaos
Direct from the light
An idea comes
Without prior thoughts
Solutions appear
As if embossed
With certainty, vigor
Poetic depth
Perfect to satisfy
Contemplation bereft.
-Kelly Voelker
bereft - deprived of or lacking something, especially a nonmaterial asset.
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Listen to this Moment
Let me listen to this moment
Separate from the rest
Stopping time and motion
Stopping thoughts to test
Who is now observing
Apart from timeline's pace
What was so important?
What worried me to waste?
I'll sit here in this vacuum
Of momentary stasis
Until I reset actions
Perpetuating graceless
Mind chaotic details
Worry, doubt and lack
Somewhere is the peaceful
State that I want back.
-Kelly Voelker
Friday, July 22, 2016
Church of Chance
Everything's a gamble
Short and long term gains
Playing for advancement
Or to stay ahead of pain
Life is the Casino
A Church of Chance set up
The Divinity of challenge
A web of interest hub
Happiness crescendos
Come and go in blips
The wheel of fortune always
Reassures the downward dips
What's gained is rarely noticed
It buys what's still in lack
Health, Wealth or Security
Leveraged, lost or backed
These three are interchanging
Utilizing Time to act.
-Kelly Voelker
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Newness Beauty Game
Build beauty around each one
Don't fuss about as if you know
The beauty lent to us will go
And be over grown and so
Disappear from our scope of sight
To forget is as natural as is delight
Upon the discovery there
Some newness beauty branches where
Nothing is as nothing was until
The newness of beauty
Transforms and goes and forgets it name
The newness beauty disappearing game.
-Kelly Voelker
Saturday, June 25, 2016
The Intended Climb
Drawn to points unknown
Deflecting love like Teflon
Well meaning contact flown
Away to protect feelings
Away to protect hearts
Sheltering another while
Suffering false starts
Saving all attention
For situations ahead in time
Wilts the present growth here
Now supporting the intended climb.
-Kelly Voelker
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Openhearted Wise
One which expects nothing and ignores the best I'm of
Cynical and bracing for the worst of all good turns
Today the fulcrum shifted towards easier goodness earned
Today I'll go back towards an effortless fold of joy
An effortless fold to welcoming my unique envoy
Kindness sending ahead waves of gratitude
Kindness sending with it unfamiliar offerings deployed
Love without the romance
Love without the ties
Love without a pairing
From any who defy
Acquaintances and others
Brought in with this tide
Are the very creme of humanity's
Openhearted wise.
-Kelly Voelker
envoy - a messenger or representative, especially one on a diplomatic mission
deploy - bring into effective action; utilize
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Beyond Reasoning's Sight
Even if it's fun
The way one lives is spherical
Beyond perception spun
The way one lives
Compared to those
Who live much different lives
Is utterly unconnected to
Competition or to drive
Even if coincidence
Joins you as a pair
It doesn't change the difference
Which eludes you unaware
Joined destiny apparent
Can disappear in seconds flat
Or it can provide you escort
Or be your torment or your cat
Characters switch often
Characters can meld
Being co-dependent
Regardless of how you felt
Even memories differ
Or disappear one day
Leaving you with others
Than your companion's account say
No one knows how others
Effect you or your life
It doesn't really matter
It's beyond our reasoning's sight.
-Kelly Voelker
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Breaking Duty's Orbit
A life of details creates
A gravitational pull
Keeping us in orbit
Suppressing our Free Will
Gather all your best thoughts
Jam them in a hold
Produce decisive action
Igniting launch of bold
No matter what the action
It will surely do
Overcoming with some traction
Out into the blue.
-Kelly Voelker
The Contamination of Influence
Of "free will" I will only say
We let it float remiss
Taking in what others think
Our own thoughts seldom stay
So rarely purely doing
What ourselves only would do
We are a personality composite
A random passive stew
A melded caution factory
Producing day to day
Predictable linear actions
Manufactured lives don't sway
The swinging undulation
Of actions purely felt
Create potent momentum
Overcome intentions quelled.
-Kelly Voelker
remiss - lacking care or attention to duty; negligent.
quelled - suppressed
Monday, May 2, 2016
Balanced and Blind
Of the natural kind
Has a pure frequency
Which clears the mind
A simple cool breeze
Comes quietly inside
Not to be noticed
Just balanced and blind.
-Kelly Voelker
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Be Not Manipulated
In order to be stimulated
You choose the focus
On what matters most 'cause
Beauty is the only
Beauty is the point
Not reflected off the mirror
Reflected to appoint
Which is real and which is not
Which fits in with
Natural thought
Don't be fooled
Don't be bought
Marketing's direction
To be fought
-Kelly Voelker
appoint - determine or decide
Dairy Diary
The diary of dairy
Is a simple view of time
Perceptions changing radically
Influenced reaction mine
What stopped me from enjoying
A cold white glass of milk?
Someone spinning fantasies
To coerce and to bilk
Now I'm drinking glassfuls
After meals and after dark
Feeling how my instincts
Deserve this hopeful spark
-Kelly Voelker
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Just a Glass of Burgundy
A simple no frills charm
Just a cup of tea please
To initiate the calm
Nothing fancy or illicit
I want only the one
To signal changes coming
So my mind succumbs
Natural age old remedies
Soothing one's own nerves
Needn't be destructive but
Our just deserts.
-Kelly Voelker
illicit - forbidden by law, rules, or custom.
succumb - fail to resist (pressure, temptation, or some other negative force)
just deserts - that which is deserved
Just deserts vs. just desserts
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Oxytocin Adoration Fantasy and June
While focusing on
Some dramatic painful end
"In Love!' she said
While feeling low
Ugly and alone
A combination of
admiration dosed
With a hormone
Oxytocin, adoration
Fantasy and June
All combined to
Cauterize rational
Behaviors true
Conduct switched from intellect
To survival games so rough
Twisted into destiny
Concerned only with "Love"
-Kelly Voelker
oxytocin - a powerful hormone produced by the pituitary gland associated with feelings of love or attachment
Saturday, April 23, 2016
The Design of the Impossible
Right in front of me
Cannot comprehend it
But yet there it be!
Rules and all their systems
Fit nicely in the brain
Reality and splendor
Leak outside of 3D chains
Anomalies of perfection
In certain circumstance
Show us instant glimpses
Past what we thought were chance.
-Kelly Voelker
comprehend - grasp mentally; understand.
Splendor - magnificent features or qualities
3D - three dimensional
anomalies - something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected
Dreams vs Doubt
Forcefulness to ash
Never actually happens
Sincerity does last
Doubt and all its trappings
Foresee failures in
What was just an avenue
Towards what might have been
True and heartfelt wanting of
What you know is yours
Happens quick and painless
When you walk through open doors.
-Kelly Voelker
ash - the remains of something destroyed; ruins
trappings - the outward signs, features, or objects associated with a particular situation, role, or thing.
Be Who Thou Art
Monday, April 18, 2016
Profound Home Base of Now
Slowly back in time
Linger there for minutes
Decades through you'll climb
Thoughts leverage future
Over thoughts of past
Fulcrum of the present
Ensuring it will last
Reaching to the future
Only moments show
Complete pictures hidden
Mind can't fill the holes
Past is what you know
Future is line cast
Never knowing what you'll
Eventually catch
Return now quickly back here
Cast line wishes sow
Details clear and present in
Profound home base of now.
-Kelly Voelker
fulcrum - the point on which a lever rests or is supported and on which it pivots.
- a thing that plays a central or essential role in an activity, event, or situation.
Early Gentle Morning
My senses slowly wake
A hollow song of mourning dove
The next sound softly waits
Truck tires in the distance
Howling down the road
Coffee's scent is barking
Refrigerator moans
The day is patient also
Waiting for the time
When I'll choose to enter
The choice is only mine.
-Kelly Voelker
Monday, April 11, 2016
Equations of Creation
Market Influenced Caution Brain
Brainwashed to stare
Brainwashed for deficits
Too brainwashed to share
Influenced by images
Repeated as code
Baited by careers which are
Programmed to explode
Convinced by others
What we should see
Everything compared
To what isn't free
Market comparison
To raise basic cost
Above where we're working
Past where we're caught
Cautioned to behave
Be safe and secure
Cautioned to intake
Poisons as cures
Directed to come back
A homing device
Instead of just striking out
For horizons more bright.
-Kelly Voelker
Quark - any of a number of subatomic particles carrying a fractional electric charge, postulated as building blocks of the hadrons. Quarks have not been directly observed, but theoretical predictions based on their existence have been confirmed experimentally
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Slowly off the Edge
One thought rolls slowly
Like a large water drop
On a dark blue shiny car hood
Rolling into other drops of thought
Joining others changing course
Slowly thought by thought
Without ability to control
Finding direction without sight
The shiny thoughts roll slowly
Off the edge of darkness' night.
-Kelly Voelker
Quark - any of a number of subatomic particles carrying a fractional electric charge, postulated as building blocks of the hadrons. Quarks have not been directly observed, but theoretical predictions based on their existence have been confirmed experimentally