Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Contrast and Colors Did Fade

When all of the contrast and colors did fade
Each person more natural and Earthen
Walked less noticeable through the day
Not sparking contention, desire or dismay*

When combined within range
All people looked similar, relaxed and maintained
Their tasks and their lives and their families more well
Competition was extinct and image for show
Egos were banished and security flowed

For no conquering, stealing or betrayals were done
Because harmony, joy, and accomplishments spun
Where more fun, more creative and more honor was given
To those who used wits to solve hitches in progress
And waste was not normal and anger was evil
Among the moderate pace of the self-governing people.

-Kelly Voelker

contention - 1.heated disagreement  2.an assertion, especially one maintained in argument.
dismay - consternation and distress, typically that caused by something unexpected

Before Words

Before words were ever said
Uniform responses couldn't blend
Each person unique was read
A natural sound or gesture
Willingness to understand and mentor

Before books were used
Alertness was but for cues
A sigh, a glance, a normal stance
Before behavior was standardized
I wonder why, whom and where
Could thoughts be transferred with a stare
Or known in advance by character each
The code of human before speech.

-Kelly Voelker

Monday, November 19, 2018

A Temporary Lifestyle

A temporary lifestyle
For temporary needs
In temporary circumstances
Direction I will heed

Intending to tread lightly
And not establish habit
A routine nonetheless
Has taken to me rapid

Maybe I can skip past
Details to the end
Skipping unread pages
The story to upend.

- Kelly Voelker

heed - pay attention to; take notice of
upend - set or turn (something) on its end or upside down