Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Disruption

The disruption rife
Ending attachments
Separation from
Earnest practices

Set down upon
Neutral time
Intentions frayed
Emotions stayed
Loyalties played

Let humanity
Refocus purely
Person to person
Look upon
One another

Stay unplugged
A little longer
See reality
Start anew.

-Kelly Voelker

Friday, May 8, 2020

A New Dream Circumspect

I reach for the familiar
To tame the unframed now
Looking for a preview
Of what could come up next
Nothing comes in focus
I remain perplexed

What remains of yesterday
As promise to back up
If I slip from reaching
Beyond what holds true now

A better, newer version
Everything upgrades
Everything renews itself
To simply make the grade

Discomfort in the stretching
Past what we may regret
Create a better system
A new dream circumspect.

-Kelly Voelker