Monday, October 25, 2021

The Village I Left

 The village I left

Again and again

This time the last

I know as a fact

There are no more reasons

For ever coming back

There's nothing left to write

Nothing left to observe

No one to visit

Nowhere to splurge.

-Kelly Voelker

Friday, October 8, 2021

Where There Are No Memories

 A bright and cool autumn morn

Is leaving me feeling forlorn

Even as the obvious beauty of the day

Promises the best for work or play

I remember working with my father

Feeling how far from this I've come

I don't know what I'm becoming

As my guidance is unseen

But each intricate skill and task

I've dreamed of and now mostly done

Leaves a feeling of satisfaction

In its familiar yet totally foreign spin

On the person others 'round here know

Who is but a shell I will outgrow

I want to put myself where

There are no memories which

Constantly want to shape

The growth I have enjoyed to date. 

-Kelly Voelker