Sunday, July 28, 2019

My Name

If my name were initials
A symbol together
My essence to hold
One letter would steer me
One letter would fly
Together in tandem
To signify Phi
One letter the handles
Of a bicycle
The other the head
Of a butterfly with
Multifaceted eyes
Antennae light in the wind
Sensing the softest
Differentiating air
All around would be pollen
Stardust and embers.

-Kelly Voelker

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Gravity's Fabric

The greater part
My conscious will
Rolls and tumbles
Drifts and thrills
From natural landscape
Laid throughout
The un-owned frontier
Seen still free
Patterns, lifeforms
Reacting to
Sun and water
Fabric of
Gravity and wind above.

-Kelly Voelker

Thursday, July 11, 2019

One Last Time

One last time
I'll sort it out
Taking stock
What's in what's out

One last time
I'll walk upon
Land which held
My family on

One last time
I'll treasure scenes
Kept for memory
Reference, dreams

One last time
To end the tether
Moving on
What's new
Not better

Resident of cycle dear
Life spans signal
Journey here
Insignificant from ages

Land just sighs
With gentle winds
Continued allegro
Spinning spun

Who will saddle up this time?
Those who dream a different picture
Of what memories, families differ

-Kelly Voelker

allegro - (especially as a direction) at a brisk tempo.