Tuesday, September 17, 2019

When an Enigma Dies

As I perceive through a spiritual lens
And accept the changes and amends
I'm coming short of reconciling
A departure of one beguiling

To know the hidden highlights
The lively encounters
The dynamic pursuits
Dimmed by waning hopes
Hidden in time by decades
Before my arrival on the scene

To know one so effected by beauty and life
Could no more share the same planet
Could no more be within physics
Tests the chasm between
The realms I know of and
The realms my body resides in

The bridge won't allow me to cross
To see for myself how it is
To be neither here nor anywhere
But an actual part of peacefulness
Renouncing the human qualities
Known by all but in truth false

No more having the will
To generate an acceptable image
No more willing or able to
Arrange a jolly gathering
Or beguile a single other soul
As now not of features or flaws
Not a creature with claws
A facet of wonder now pervasive beyond
What our ideas and words can respond.

-Kelly Voelker

Beguile -  1. charm or enchant (someone), sometimes in a deceptive way.
2. LITERARY - help (time) pass pleasantly.

Waning -1.  (of the moon) have a progressively smaller part of its visible surface illuminated, so that it appears to decrease in size.
2. (especially of a condition or feeling) decrease in vigor, power, or extent; become weaker.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


As photos dissolve into digital images
Organized on a man-made information cloud
As books become hence, transferred from
author to reader by invisible means
As paintings become digital photographs
enhanced by the light of computer screens
As consciousness sees the world through
technological portals
The memories, the expressions, once
assisted by plants via paper and canvas
Can be owned by us and our own creations
The warehousing and curating of material
Expressions will dissolve, and resources
Freed back to their own natural realms
after ages of division in purpose
We had no other way
The lighter and freer sharing of thought
Beauty and memories automatically
Organized better than before
Disappearing forever once witnessed and born.

-Kelly Voelker

Hence -
1.  as a consequence; for this reason.
in the future (used after a period of time).

Plain Truth

In my mind
Exists the intention
To take in beauty
To observe as
A simple intvention
Asking supreme design
For a crumb, a tid-bit
A pixel, a misfit
A signpost of truth
From designs to unwrap
Hidden in my mind
A treasure of moments
To pass on or amplify
Highlight or pacify
In my mind ideas
Like tumbled plain stones
Become more beautiful
When turned and polished
In my mind are treasures
I reach in to choose
What shall this day reveal
Which thought will thus pose?

-Kelly Voelker

plain - 1not decorated or elaborate; simple or ordinary in character.
(of a person) having no pretensions; not remarkable or special.
3.  clearly; unequivocally (used for emphasis).
           4.  a large area of flat land with few trees.

Time Erases Significance

Time erases the significance of everything.  
Current significance exists 
Because of inherited attachments.  
Create something beautiful.
Beauty is the only valid legacy. 

-Kelly Voelker

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Morning Grains

The horses and insects
Stand still in first light
Of a new early morning
Positioned to soak in
Golden warmth melting
The chill of the night

I too sit still daily
In the first morning's sun
As the horse I am idle
Browsing the array
Of what's before me
In a leisurely way

Soon come directives
Saddles and reins
Mornings are precious
About idle not bridle
About grains and
Not gains.

-Kelly Voelker