Friday, July 28, 2023

As if it were Mine

The birds feed their babies

The rabbits snip flowers

The wind bobs the tree limbs

The sun shines for hours

All is in rhythm

Of movement through time

I sit in wonder

A witness as kind

As the force that designed it

As if it were mine.

-Kelly Voelker

Monday, July 24, 2023

The Present Moment

The present moment is an aggregate or ratio of recent past, moment by moment activity and expectations of the near future.

You can never fully live in the present moment.  You may acknowledge being in a window of time which cannot be duplicated and resolve to be grateful for it. 

By the time you acknowledge a precise moment, it is the recent past.

As soon as I decided to be in the present

A thought came in quickly and I became hesitant

What is the state of being

In the moment of time

When you've completed a sentence

That ends in a rhyme?

Is it a window of creation

A sentence of life

A subject, a verb and intention sublime?

Does the present change form

When it's watched or observed

Instead of a symphony of senses and nerves?

And so it's a noun of the brain not the mind

The "present" is a boundary for a broader perspective

To focus and define would defeat the objective.