Monday, April 22, 2019

There is No Purpose

Lately a concept has visited me which suggests there is no purpose, and to stop looking for one could be the ace of swords to free the soul and mind.  When I really understand this concept in moments of higher clarity it brings up laughter in me!  Like the joke was on me to think there's purpose, and the whole time there wasn't!

We all eventually accumulate a few things we hold as true, and live by them.  For example, I like to be motivated and inspired by the beauty of nature.  Yet, yesterday while gardening, I realized that nature is disgusting sometimes.  This also brought up laughter from deep within me!

Maybe we simply lock and unlock beliefs when it suits us as a tool to navigate where our secret will is trying to go.  Since our will is secret even to ourselves, it has to trick or train us into doing its bidding.

Another moment I felt laughter well up in me was thinking about cemeteries being a waste of time and effort when put into perspective against reincarnation or even resurrection.  The overwhelming majority of people are forgotten in two generations or less.  Their personalities not known, their habits, their thoughts, their accumulated wisdom gone with them to be recycled into the land and ether.  What is passed on is far from what those who knew them remembered, and so it is all false information which others attempt to keep "alive" for others, when it is dead and lost to the living.

The highest laughter came to me when I was explaining this concept to some friends.  A phrase came out rather by accident that I find hilarious.  It was "our existence doesn't matter".  Meaning our existence or multiple existences on this planet do not matter.  The struggles and triumphs are known only to us and even if written down, they will not be read.  With information streaming faster and faster, no one has the time to care, because they are thinking about their own pointless existence.

I will end this by saying that I have even more laughter rising up from within me about these thoughts and my attempts to bring them to a few people for a few minutes in eternity, only for them to disappear thereafter.  Every person will try a lifetime to find purpose and most won't find the truth that I have found, so I was lucky for a moment, but it doesn't matter.

-Kelly Voelker

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